Write a short note on Munro system
The ryotwari system of revenue collection is associated with Sir Thomas Munro, who was appointed the Governor of Madras in May 1820. The system was later extended to Mumbai area. Munro gradually reduced the rate of taxation from one half to one third of the gross produce. The levy was based on an estimate of the potential of the soil and not on the actual revenues from the produce of the land. In some cases more than 50% of the gross revenue was demanded. The land revenue was imposed directly on the individual cultivators who actually worked on the land.
The ryotwari system of revenue collection is associated with Sir Thomas Munro, who was appointed the Governor of Madras in May 1820. The system was later extended to Mumbai area. Munro gradually reduced the rate of taxation from one half to one third of the gross produce. The levy was based on an estimate of the potential of the soil and not on the actual revenues from the produce of the land. In some cases more than 50% of the gross revenue was demanded. The land revenue was imposed directly on the individual cultivators who actually worked on the land.