English, asked by anjalibandhu8118, 1 year ago

Write a short note on non standard units and standard units mesurments


Answered by Anonymous
In this lesson, we'll define both standard and nonstandard units of measurement. We'll discuss each of these types of units and the measuring instruments we use for both through definition, explanation, and example.

Units of Measurement

We measure things in the world around us all the time. For instance, you may want to measure the distance from your city a friend's city, measure how much milk you want to put in a recipe, or measure how much you weigh. All of these examples involve measurement.

Now, what if you were asked what units you want to use to measure each of these things? A unit of measurement is the unit used to measure a given attribute. Your answer would depend on what measuring system you normally use. If you normally use the US standard measuring system, then most likely you would use miles to measure the distance between cities, cups to measure your milk, and pounds for how much you weigh. If you normally use the metric system, then you would probably use kilometers to measure the distance, liters for the milk, and kilograms for your weight.

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