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PAS staining method
PRINCIPLE: The PAS stain is a histochemical reaction in that the periodic acid oxidizes the carbon to carbon bond forming aldehydes which react to the fuchsin-sulfurous acid which form the magenta color. CONTROL: For staining fungus; use a known positive such as those used for the GMS.
PRINCIPLE: The PAS stain is a histochemical reaction in that the periodic acid oxidizes the carbon to carbon bond forming aldehydes which react to the fuchsin-sulfurous acid which form the magenta color. CONTROL: For staining fungus; use a known positive such as those used for the GMS.Periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) is a staining method used to detect polysaccharides such as glycogen, and mucosubstances such as glycoproteins, glycolipids and mucins in tissues.The Schiff reagent is a bleached basic fuschin that reacts with aldehyde groups. This reaction results in a deep red colour in the section. It is the basis of the PAS stain. PAS stains carbohydrates and carbohydrate rich macromolecules a deep red colour (magenta).PAS: 1. Physician-assisted suicide. 2. Personal alert system (an alarm system for an elderly or infirm person).