write a short note on philosopher and their contribution to the Russian society
The philosophers, writers and the great men played an important role in the Russian Revolution.
The writings of Leo Tolstoy, Maxim Gorky, George Plekhanov, Dastovosky etc. created new consciousness in the Society.
Among them the writings of Karl Marx occupied an important place. He opined out that the power of the capitalists should be destroyed.
He also opined that the labourers, peasants and other lower classes who worked for the nation, should be the real owner of the lands and factories. His revolutionary ideas were reflected in his two famous books the ‘Das Capital’ and the ‘Communist Manifesto’. He gave his clarion call to the workers-
“Workers of the World Unite! You have nothing to loose but tears.” Marx’s socialistic philosophy and the revolutionary ideas of other writers deeply inspired the people of Russia. They took oath to destroy the despotic Czarist rule in Russia
The Russo-Japanese War of 1904 was a great insult to Czardom. In this war Russia was defeated by a small nation like Japan. After this, the ‘Treaty of Portsmouth’ was concluded between Russia and Japan in 1905.
According to this treaty, Russia was forced to give the Port Arthur and a portion Sawlin Island to Japan. This Russo-Japanese War opened the screen of the weakness of Czardom. It inspired the people to destroy the – Czardom in Russia.