Write a short note on Prathahara.
“Ahara” means “food,” or “anything we take into ourselves from the outside.” “Prati” is a preposition meaning “against” or “away.” “Pratyahara” means literally “control of ahara,” or “gaining mastery over external influences.” It has been compared to a turtle withdrawing into its shell—the turtle's shell is the mind ..
Prati means "against" or "away" and Ahara means "food". “Pratyahara” means exactly “control of ahara,” or “attaining dominance over external forces. Pratyahara is the most important limb in yoga sadhana. It includes withdrawal from improper food, incorrect impressions, and evil associations, while concurrently starting up to the clean food, true impressions, and correct associations. By suppressing our awareness from negative impressions, pratyahara strengthens the mind’s mastery of immunity. If a person is undoubtedly disrupted by the noise and turmoil of the environment around them, they need to practice pratyahara. Without it, it is not possible to meditate.