Write a short note on rain water storage
Rainwater harvesting is a method used for collecting, storing and using rainwater for various purposes, for example, for landscape irrigation. This technique is used to collect rainwater from different hard surfaces like rooftops and other manmade hard surfaces above the ground.
The rainwater that falls on the roof is channelized by the roof catchment systems into a tank through gutters and pipes. Using rainwater for laundry, garden use and for flushing the toilets can reduce 70% of the consumption of main water by a household. If rainwater is supplied to the hot water systems it can reduce the consumption by 85%.
Rainwater harvesting (RWH) is a technique that is used for collection and storage of rainwater into natural reservoirs or tanks or the infiltration of surface water into subsurface aquifers before it is lost by running off.
The most common method of rainwater harvesting is rooftop harvesting. With rooftop harvesting, surfaces like tiles, metal sheets, plastics can be used to intercept the flow of rainwater.
The other technologies that are used for rainwater harvesting are in-situ methods, surface water method, and groundwater recharge.
Harvested rainwater can also be used for gardens, livestock, irrigation, and it also provides a household with high-quality water for drinking and storage.
Tamil Nadu is the first Indian state to make rainwater harvesting mandatory. 50,000 structures were constructed in the Chennai for harvesting rainwater and almost 4,000 temples in Tamil Nadu have the traditional water tanks that harvest rainwater which is used for various rituals.