write a short note on " Rio Summit " about 150 words
The Rio Summit was held Rio de Janeiro from 3 to 14 June 1992. It is also known as the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, the Rio Conference, or the Earth Summit.
172 governments participated in the conference. It was attended by 2,400 representatives of non-governmental organizations with 17,000 people at the parallel NGO "Global Forum" who had Consultative Status.
The issues discussed included a systematic scrutiny of patterns of production of toxic components like lead in gasoline, poisonous waste including radioactive chemicals. The alternative sources of energy to replace the use of fossil fuels, and new reliance on public transportation systems in order to reduce vehicle emissions were also discussed. The growing usage and limited supply of water was included in the discussions.
An agreement on the Climate Change Convention was an important achievement of the summit. The Convention on Biological Diversity was opened for signature.