Write a short note on tea and coffee plantation th
Tea plant are evergreen shrubs or short trees, branches glabrous. Leaves of tea plants are simple, alternate, exstipulate; elliptic oblong, serrate, acute at both ends or cuspidate acuminate at apex, silky puberulous beneath when young, 10-20 cm. long 3-7 cm. broad.
Flowers solitary, axillary, often in a cluster of 2-4 bisexual, about 3 cm in diam, bracteate; bracts 2-3, small. Sepals 5-6, unequal, orbicular, glabrous, with membranous ciliate margin. Petals white, 5-6, broadly obovate, slightly coherent at base. Stamens many in several whorls, 5-12 of the inner most whorl free, others unite to form a monadelphous ring, adnate to the base of the petals.
Ovary superior, 3-5-celled with 4-5 pendulous ovules in each cell, styles 3-5, united up to 2/3rd of their length. Fruit a loculicidal capsule, trigonous, with leathery pericarp. Seeds 1-2 in each cell of the fruit, 1.5-2 cm. in diam., globose or obtusely angled, pale brown and smooth.
As a beverage tea was known to the people of China from ancient times and by the 5th century A.D. it was very popular. It is not known when cultivation started on a commercial scale but it is now grown in many tropical and subtropical countries of the world.
In India tea is cultivated in the districts of Dehra Dun, Kangra and Kumaun of U.P Darjeeling and Jalpaigooree of West Bengal, Brahmaputra — valley and Surma — valley of Assam and in Ranchi area of Chota Nagpur. In southern India’ it is grown Malabar, Coimbatore, Nilgiris and hills of Kerala. In Darjeeling district tea is cultivated from the Duars to an elevation of about 2000 mtr.
Tea prefers a wet and warm climate. The optimum condition is considered to be a narrow range of temperate variation, generous rainfall throughout the year, absence of strong dry wind and temperature well above freezing point.