Write a short note on the impact of print revolution
Explanation:Print revolution is baisically the changes that took place in the field of print before printing presses were invented by guthenburg .
1.with the printing press, a new reading public emerged.
Printing reduced the cost of books.
2. The time and labour required to produce each book came down, and multiple copies could be produced with greater ease.
3.Books flooded the market, reaching out to an ever-growing readership.
Access to books created a new culture of reading.
Hope this will help you. :) :)
in French Revolution print culture played an important role its impact is stated in the point view
1) print materials like newspaper and books populist the idea of enlightened think they give a critical history on tradition, superstition and despotism in contemporary society
they suggest that everything should be judged though application of reason and retionality they criticise the sacred authorityof church and the despotic power of the state the questioned about the legitimacy of a social order based on tradition the writer of Voltaire and Rousseau were read widely those who read them developed an attitude of questioning criticism and judging on the basis of rationality
2) print create a new culture of dialogue and debate all values norms and institution were re evaluated and public recognised the need to question existing ideas and beliefs.
3) by 1780 there was an outpouring of literature cartoons and caricatures which circulated everything and led to the growth of hostile sentiments against the monarchy in this way print helped people to think differently