Write a short note on The Jackpot by using an, a and The??
b(1): a hand or game of draw poker in which a pair of jacks or better is required to open
(2): a large pot (as in poker) formed by the accumulation of stakes from previous play
c(1): a combination on a slot machine that wins a top prize or all the coins available for paying out
(2): the sum so won
2: an impressive often unexpected success or reward
3chiefly Western US : a tight spot..
Definition of jackpot
1a: the top prize in a game or contest (such as a lottery) that is typically a large fund of money formed by the accumulation of unwon prizes
b(1): a hand or game of draw poker in which a pair of jacks or better is required to open
(2): a large pot (as in poker) formed by the accumulation of stakes from previous play
c(1): a combination on a slot machine that wins a top prize or all the coins available for paying out
(2): the sum so won
2: an impressive often unexpected success or reward
3chiefly Western US : a tight spot : JAM