Biology, asked by vishnuagrawal2296, 1 year ago

Write a short note on the living and nonliving part of a cell


Answered by mritunjayy


here's is your answer mark me as brainliest


A) Living

1) Cytoplasm:

The substance except nucleus surrounded by the plasma lemma of cell is known as cytoplasm. The cytoplasmic organelles are depicted.

I) Endoplasmic reticulum:

Cytoplasm contains an extensive net­work of membrane enclosed spaces; these spaces along with the membranes enclosing them are known as endoplasmic reticulum (ER).


1) It provides structural base for protein, lipid and phospholipids synthesis.


2) It sorts proteins according to their destination.

3) It provides a control passage for the export of mRNA mol­ecules from nucleus to rough endoplasmic reticulum.


4) Several enzyme molecules, e.g. glucose-6-Phosphatase, AT- Pase etc. are embedded in the membranes of ER.

II) Ribosomes:

Ribosomes are particles of about 200 A° diam­eter; they are composed of RNA and protein. Generally ribosomes are attached to the outer surfaces of ER membranes. This converts smooth ER elements into rough ER.


Ribosomes are essential for protein synthesis, as mRNA can support protein synthesis only when they are attached to ribosomes.

III) Golgi body:

It consists of 2-7 flat cisternae stacked close to each other. Golgi bodies originate from ER elements.



A major function of Golgi bodies is protein sorting.

IV) Lysosomes:

Lysosomes are vesicles of 400-800 μm formed by budding of golgi bodies and they contain hydrolytic enzymes.

The main enzyme present in lysosomes is acid phosphatase, other enzymes are acid DNAase, acid RNAase and β galactosidase etc.


The function of lysosomes is to digest (lyse) the food particles and microorganisms ingested by a cell and also to cause autolysis of cells, if required.

B) Non living

1) Chromoplasts:

It contains the pigments other than chlorophyll, e.g. Phucoxanthin, phycocyanin etc.

2) Vacuole:

Plant cells have one or more vacuoles of variable size. The material contained in vacuole is called as cell sap.

3) Cell sap:

Cell sap is relatively less dense than the surrounding cytoplasm. It contains sugars, salts, proteins and phenols as well as some specific pigments e.g. anthocyanin.

4) Cell wall:

Plant cell is surrounded by a non-living and rigid coat called cell wall. The main function of the cell wall is to pro­vide plant cell a definite shape and mechanical support and strength to tissues and organs.

Types of organism:

There are two types of organism; prokaryotes and eukaryotes. There differences are given below.


a. Prokaryotes have small cells (< 5 mm)

b. They are always unicellular

c. No nucleus or any membrane- bound organelles, such as mitochondria

d. DNA is circular, without proteins

e. Ribosomes are small (70S)

f. No cytoskeleton

g. Motility by rigid rotating flagellum made of flagellin

h. Cell division is by binary fission

i. Reproduction is always asexual

j. Huge variety of metabolic pathways

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