Geography, asked by amishakujur1024, 2 months ago

write a short note on tri cellur meridonal circulation for 5 marks​


Answered by riyasingh1368


According to the old concept of the mechanism of general circulation of the atmosphere the movement of air is temperature dependent. In other words, tem­perature gradient causes air circulation on the earth’s surface. According to the advocates of thermal school of the mechanism of general circulation of the atmos­phere the tropical areas receive maximum amount of solar energy which substantially decreases poleward.

Thus, there is latitudinal imbalance of solar radiation from lower to higher latitudes. Consequently, there is transfer of heat through horizontal air circulation from the areas of high solar radiation (low latitudes) to the areas of low solar radiation (high latitudes) in order to balance the heat energy so that there does not exist too much heat energy in the low latitudes and too low heat energy in the high latitudes

It may be remembered that the kinetic energy is also dissipated due to friction and small-scale atmospheric disturbances upward. Thus, it is neces­sary that there must exist balance between the rate of generation of kinetic energy and the rate of its dissipa­tion due to friction. The modern concept of the mecha­nism of general circulation of the atmosphere, thus, includes both, the horizontal and vertical components of atmospheric circulation.

Cells of Tri-Cellular Meridional Circulation:

Thus, each meridian has three cells of air circulation in the northern hemisphere e.g.:

Tropical cell is also called as Hadley cell because G. Hadley first identified this thermally in­duced cell in both the hemispheres in the year 1735. The winds after being heated due to very high tempera­ture at the equator ascend upward. These ascending warm and moist winds release latent heat after conden­sation which causes further ascent of the winds which after reaching the height of 8 to 12 kilometers in the troposphere over the equator diverge northward and southward or say poleward.

These antitrades after descending near 30°-35° latitudes again blow towards the equator where they are again heated and ascend. Thus, one complete meridional cell of air circulation is formed. This is called tropical meridional cell which is located between the equator and 30° latitudes. It may be pointed out that the regularity and continuity of the antitrade wind systems in the upper air has been refuted by a host of meteorologists on the basis of more upper air data being available during and after Second World War.

These winds (which diverge equator-ward) again descend near horse latitudes (30°-35° latitudes) to reinforce subtropical high pressure belt. After descending these winds again blow poleward as surface westerlies and thus a complete cell is formed.

According to new concept of air circulation the pattern between 30°-60° latitudes consists of surface westerlies. In fact, winds blow from subtropical high pressure belt to subpolar low pressure belt but the winds become almost westerly due to Coriolis force. It may be mentioned that the regularity and continuity of westerlies are frequently disturbed by temperate cy­clones, migratory extra-tropical cyclones and anticy­clones.

Contrary to the existing view of upper air tropospheric easterly winds in the zones extending between 30°-60° latitudes Rossby observed the exist­ence of upper air westerlies in the middle latitudes due to poleward decrease of air temperature.

These polar cold winds converge with warm westerlies near 60°-65° latitudes and form polar front or mid- latitude front which becomes the centre for the origin of temperate cyclones. The winds ascend upward due to the rotation of the earth at the subpolar low pressure belt and after reaching middle troposphere they turn poleward and equator-ward. The poleward upper air descends at the poles and reinforce the polar high pressure. Thus, a complete polar cell is formed.

Numerous objections have been raised against the concept of tri-cellular meridional circulation of the atmosphere. The temperature gradient should not be taken as the only basis for the origin and maintenance of cellular meridional circulation because not all the high and low pressure belts are thermally induced.

For example, the subtropical high pressure and sub-polar low pressure belts are dynamically induced due to subsidence and spreading of air caused by the rotation of the earth respectively. Upper air anti-trades are not uniformly found over ail the meridians. If the trade winds are exclusively of thermal origin, then the ther­mal gradient must be present boldly throughout the tropics but this is not true. At the height of 500 to 1000m in the atmosphere the winds become almost parallel to the isobars which are generally parallel to the latitude.

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