Science, asked by maluvijay, 8 months ago

.Write a short note on various diseases of human beings, their spread and cure​


Answered by madhurayadiyal2005


There are a lot of diseases


In other words malfunctioning or improper functioning of various body parts like genetic disorder, hormonal imbalance, malfunctioning of immune system of body are some factors which affects the human health. The diseases caused by intrinsic sources are called organic or metabolic diseases like cardiac failure, kidney failure, diabetes, allergies, cancer etc and the diseases caused by extrinsic factors are Kwashiorkor, obesity, Night blindness, scurvy etc. Some diseases are also caused by micro-organisms due to unbalanced diet such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi, protozoan’s, helminthes, worms, etc.; environmental pollutants, tobacco, alcohol and narcotic drugs are also an important extrinsic factors which upset human health.

Congenital Disease is the diseases which are present since birth. These are caused due to genetic abnormality or due to metabolic disorders or malfunctioning of any organ. They are basically permanent, generally not easily curable and may be inherited to the children like Harelip, Cleft Palate, Club foot etc. Also due to imbalance in the chromosomes the appearance of Mongalism, to born the blue baby due to cardiac disorder etc are also some examples of it.

Acquired Disease is those defects or disorders which are not present by birth but appear due to the various causes and factors. These may be further categorized into following heads:

(i) Communicable or infectious diseases: These are caused by a variety of pathogenic viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi and worms. The pathogens are generally carried with the help of a vector.

(ii) Non-communicable or non-infectious or degenerative diseases: These occur due to the malfunctioning of some organ or organ system in the body. It may be of various types like Deficiency diseases: These occur due to the deficiency of some nutrients, minerals or vitamins, Cancerous diseases, Allergy, Genetic diseases.

AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome): It destroys immune system of the body & is caused by the Human Immuno deficiency Virus (HIV).There are two types of HIV namely HIV-1 and HIV-2. The most common virus currently associated with AIDS is HIV-1. A virus found in the blood of wild African green monkey called the Simian Immuno deficiency Virus (SIV) is similar to HIV-2. HIV is a retrovirus. It can synthesize DNA from RNA. The major cell infected by HIV is the helper T-Iymphocyte that bears the CD-4 receptor site. HIV progressively destroys T-Iymphocytes. The patient occasionally will suffer from swollen lymph nodes, mild prolonged fever, diarrhoea or other non-specific symptoms.

Cancer: They are characterized by the uncontrolled growth and division of cells which leads to a mass of cells known as neoplasm. Abnormal and persistent cell division localized in a particular region is called benign tumor.

Gout: It results from accumulation of uric acid crystals in the synovial joints. It is a disease associated with an inborn error of uric acid metabolism that increases production or interferes with the excretion of uric acid.

Haemophilia is called bleeder's disease. It is a disorder which is sex-linked and is a recessive condition. In a patient of haemophilia, blood clotting is deficient.

Haemophilia A, is characterized by lack of anti- haemophilia globulin factor VIII. About four-fifths of the cases of haemophilia are of this type.

Haemophilia B or Christmas disease results from a defect in plasma thromboplastic component.

Hepatitis : It is a viral disease, causes hepatic anorexia resulting in liver damage (liver cancer) or jaundice. It is transmitted by the faecal-oral route. Children and young adults are susceptible to it and no vaccines are acceptable.

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