write a short note on village KAITHINIA
Kaithinia is a Village in Lakhnaur Block in Madhubani District of Bihar State, India. It belongs to Darbhanga Division . It is located 30 KM towards East from District head quarters Madhubani. 6 KM from Lakhnaur. 157 KM from State capital Patna
Kaithinia Pin code is 847404 and postal head office is Jhanjharpur .
Sukhet ( 3 KM ) , Lakhnaur West ( 3 KM ) , Lakhnaur East ( 3 KM ) , Lakhnaur ( 3 KM ) , Deep West ( 4 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Kaithinia. Kaithinia is surrounded by Jhanjharpur Block towards North , Tardih Block towards South , Madhepur Block towards East , Manigachhi Block towards west .
Jhanjharpur , Madhubani , Supaul , Darbhanga are the near by Cities to Kaithinia.
This Place is in the border of the Madhubani District and Darbhanga District. Darbhanga District Tardih is South towards this place .