Write a short note on women workers between 1900 to 1930
Women workers between 1900 and 1930:
(i) Woman made-up 31 per cent of the factory labour force by 1914, but they were paid less than men. (ii) Women were also involved in strikes. For example lockout on 22 February was largely organized by women-workers they also worked in state controlled collective farms.
women women workers played an important role in the history and history the high rate of inflation on food storage where beyond the tolerance of the poor Masoom inhuman begin their to the street demanding bread and shouting slangs dancing with aristocracy Maria vasileva was one who let the psychic and one who worked as a milling machine operator he got a full support from her co-workers women workers would gather around Maria in support to casting working more than 150000 men women protest for a change and this day is known as Women's Day