Write a short note on work is work sip
I thik it will be helps you
Work is worship is a proverb which tells us that work is the real worship and not worshiping for hours in the temple. The happiness and satisfaction we get from the work cannot get the same through the worship. If the person has faith at own hard work, he/she cannot lose hope even when life becomes miserable
Work is something that we do, all through life. More important than the work we do, is our attitude to it. From the moment we are born, till we die, work is being done all the time, whether we like it or not, whether we want it or not.
Even sitting idle or lying in bed is an activity, a work. Breathing, digesting, sleeping, waking up, blinking, keeping up our muscle tone, the slow process of formation of new cells and destruction of old ones — all these activities are work that goes on, with our without our consent. It is only in death that work truly ceases. Many people feel that they would like to retire at the age of 60 and do ‘nothing’. But as long as we are alive, it is impossible to do ‘nothing’.
Having agreed that work is unavoidable, we need to look at how we do the work. Whether it is a child who is playing, a mother who is feeding her child, a house help who is sweeping the floor, or a physician who is saving lives — what is important in all these activities is our attitude. Are you doing your work with a happy, creative, cheerful outlook, or are you constantly complaining and wishing for ‘something’ else to do? Because if you are miserable doing the work allotted to you, rest assured that you’ll remain miserable in whatever work you do.