write a short note onAIDS.
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is the final and most serious stage of HIV disease, which causes severe damage to the immune system. The Centers for Disease Control has defined AIDS as beginning when a person with HIV infection has a CD4 cell (also called "t-cell", a type of immune cell) count below 200
AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease. It can spread by blood contact.Its virus(HIV) can be spread by blood contact,semen or vginal fluids.It spreads by uncleaned needle usinng it repeted times.It also spreads by using the same blade uncleaningly for shaving.It is carried to the baby from the mother during pregnancy.Withing a few weeks of HIV infection the effected person gets fever,sore throat and fatigue.Weighloss and reccurent infections are also its symptoms.AIDS cant be cured completely but can be controlled bu ARVs.It always rewuires lab tests.On 1st december every year we celebrate world AIDS day to aware people of it.