Art, asked by anshuman8530, 1 month ago

Write a short note "when I was a baby"


Answered by ss2415720


1) Toted time required for the embryonic and foetal development is about 9 months or 280 days.

2) After this time, foetus is expelled from the uterus by the mother. This is child birth.

3) Child birth is a complicated process and involves the participation of child and mother.

4) The foetal hormones produced inside, stimulate the contraction of the muscles present in the walls of uterus.

5) These contractions called labour pains help in the expulsion of the foetus from the uterus.

6) During this process the amnion ruptures, placenta is separated from the walls of the uterus.

7) At child birth the head usually comes out first.

8) The foetus is still attached to the mother’s uterus through the umbilical cord.

Answered by yalinibharathidasan

A young boy asks his mom this question, prompting animals around the world to ask their parents. They mostly hear about traits they had that were similar to their mom or dad, until a bullfrog asks his mom. Her answer is "Don't even ask". He hounds her until she pulls out a photograph of him as a tadpole. he refuses to believe he ever looked like that, vows never to trust his mom again, and hides under a rock. Then he hears his brothers and sisters singing a song about how all frogs develop from tadpoles and feels better.

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