Write a short paragraph for commercial advertising . You will get 50 points but the paragraph should be big
Commercial advertising allows your business to build its customer base by taking your message directly to consumers. It allows you to control that message, whether you intend to inform the public about your company’s existence, educate consumers about your offerings, build your brand identity or demonstrate where your competitors fail to make the grade.Commercial advertising lets your target audience know that you exist and that you have the products and services that can solve a problem in their lives. If you’re offering a distinctive product, service or value proposition to the customer, commercial advertising is a way to get the word out quickly and more broadly than through referrals from existing customers or waiting for people to find you by chance.Commercial advertising doesn’t always involve searching for mass audiences with a multi million-dollar Super Bowl commercial. TV and radio offer audience information that can allow you to pick and choose stations and programs that meet your customer demographics. In this case, market fragmentation in the industry can work to your benefit, assuming you can find the niche related to what you're trying to sell, because it avoids wasting money reaching those unlikely to be in the market for what you are offering. For example, a lower-rated radio station might be the perfect outlet for your marketing dollars if it airs a program that is particularly popular among your target market.
I have my own website which has this short paragraph,so please don't tell how could i complete this much in such a short span of time.
We live in a world where advertising is everything. When we are watching any ‘IV serial, we are disturbed again and again by advertisements of various products and brands such that sometimes we feel bored and even chagrined.
Open the page of any newspaper or magazine. You will find advertisements galore on almost every page as if we had purchased the said newspaper or magazine only for these advertisements.