Write a short paragraph on conservation of water.....

Water conservation includes all the policies, strategies and activities to sustainably manage the natural resource of fresh water, to protect the hydrosphere, and to meet the current and future human demand. Population, household size and growth and affluence all affect how much water is used.
Water is an invaluable gift to God on earth. Life on this earth is possible only due to the state of water. Despite being tasteless, odorless and colorless, water makes life's life full of flavor, color and good aroma on this earth. It is found everywhere and it is the other name of life. It gives us life but in return does not take anything from us. We find it everywhere - in rivers, oceans, tanks, wells and ponds etc., but there is still lack of clean drinking water. It does not have any form of its own, but the vessel we put in it takes its form. Although water is present in three-fourths of the earth but still we need to conserve water because the percentage of availability of clean water is very low.
Life is not possible on earth without water. Water is required to live and grow all living beings, such as humans, animals, plants etc. We need water in every area of ​​life from morning to night for all the activities like eating, drinking, cooking, bathing, washing, planting etc. People working in different areas need water to fulfill various objectives such as for farmers to produce their crops, for irrigation of plants to the Malis, to industrialists for the work related to the industry, the power generation plant To create hydroelectricity, etc. Therefore, we must preserve clean water for the welfare of our future generations and for conservation of water and wild life. In many places in the world, people are battling the problem of water shortage or completely unavailability.
Understanding the importance of water in our lives and preventing its misuse by proper management of the use of water. Also, there is an urgent need to save clean water from dirt or soil pollution. Especially we should use rainwater instead of clean water in the toilet and use it.
Water is the basic requirement of our body and life. Water is also known as an important element for all living beings and for this reason it has also been nominated as 'life'. Without water life can not even be imagined. Three-fourths of the earth has water, but only 2 percent of it is useful for us. In some places in India, people have to face water shortages and droughts, whereas in other places there is abundant water availability. Therefore, those who are living in places where there is excessive availability of water should realize the importance of water and the importance of water conservation.We are living in such times when we need to save clean water and spend it according to our needs. In many places in India and other countries, people are battling heavy water shortages. They have to depend on the water supplied by the tanks by the government or on some natural reservoirs located at a distance. They have to spend a long distance to make drinking water everyday. Water scarcity situation is even more pathetic for those who do not have enough water for their daily needs like drinking, bathing etc. India is one of the countries around the world who are facing the problem of scarcity of water today. In India, some parts of Rajasthan and Gujarat are such where girls and women of homes have to travel a long distance for bare feet and water. In some cities such as Bangalore, people have to pay 25 rupees to 30 rupees for buying a bottle of clean water. According to a recent study, 25 percent of the urban population does not have clean water. People have to face even more problems due to the increased daily requirement of water in the summer months. Privatization of water bodies in some areas is the main reason for water deficiency.
How to save water
We can use various methods to deal with the problem of water scarcity. Rainwater harvesting is the most effective and suitable method of water conservation. Afforestation is also the best method which reduces surface runoff and recharges ground water. It promotes underground water conservation. By adopting such methods, we can naturally preserve even more water and can ensure its availability for future generations as well. We have to take a vow and our lifelong motto should be - "Save water, save life, save earth".
We must teach our children and other family members the simple ways of water conservation, such as tightening of the tap after every use, use of fountains to give water to the garden, bathing in the garden, all the leakage To repair the pipes, to water in the plants and to wash clothes, collect and use rainwater harvesting etc. We must keep the water of rivers (especially the Ganges) in the future and for the protection of the aquatic organisms to keep them clean.