Write a short paragraph on how chemistry has had its impact on the
evolution of the world. Speculate how different the world would be if
there were no more inventions in the field.
Chemicals are everywhere around us. One can sit on chemicals, breathe in chemicals, eat chemicals, and sleep with chemicals. No need to flee screaming: the natural world is also made up of chemicals. And chemistry is our investigation into those compounds. Chemistry is the study of the atoms, molecules, and mixes that comprise matter in the universe, as well as the processes by which they change, combine, and interact to generate new ones. While plants and animals are composed of chemicals, the most significant effects of chemistry on the world have occurred when we have used our understanding of chemicals to create new, artificial ones. There is a common perception that synthetic chemicals are harmful, however this is not entirely correct. Billionaires have been saved by synthetic chemicals. Artificial chemicals have saved billions of lives, improved human productivity, and fundamentally altered our way of life. Although chemistry has touched the modern world in far too many ways to name, we'll focus on a few of the most significant areas where chemistry has had an impact.
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