English, asked by Bhupalji, 1 year ago

write a short paragraph on My Family


Answered by upenderjoshi28
                                                       My Family

Desmond Tutu’s words on family are quite appealing. He says, “You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.” I wholeheartedly believe him. My family is really a God’s gift for me. I think all my family members are made for each other. I have a perfect father, who is very understanding. Though he does not stay much at home, I and my siblings feel so protected under his loving care. We are proud of his abilities. Whenever we need anything, we just say it to him and he just brings it for us as if by magic. At times I wonder whether he is a wizard! About my mother, the more I can praise her the less it describes her. She is an angel in flesh and blood. She is always there working for us. From dawn till late night she is an epitome of self-less love, care, and devotion to her family. Every time you look at her, she is cooking, washing, dusting, and caring for us. She keeps all of us happy, healthy, and satisfied. About my siblings, well they are like Tom and Jerry, always doing funny things. They keep us so occupied with their pranks that we are not left with a single second to get bored. My family is a small cheerful paradise that I am grateful to God for.

Answered by MissWierdo



Family is one of the treasures and riches to be found inside a creatures heart along with lots of love and compassion. Family is like Heaven to every human for a family helps and loves each other a lot..

Family is something that consists of members to help out each other in times of difficulties. We all are extremely lucky to have family. My family is like a place where I get to share my feelings, sorrows, happiness and to have fun as well. Siblings are the devine souls to play, sing, dance, create, study and enjoy with.

Parents are someone who supports us throughout the lifetime. And we must be always thankful to them for being  a part of our life.

Thus, to conclude, "Families are like branches on a tree. We grow in different direction yet our roots remain as one.."  

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