write a short play script of your choice with minimum 3 characters
Getting Started!
A good one-act play focuses on one main action or problem; there’s not time to get into complicated
layers of plot. It’s a good idea to keep your play to one set and as few scenes as possible. A one-act play
is 9-12 pages with four characters or less.
Many great resources are available online by searching on keywords: “writing one act plays”
• Ask yourself, what is the play about? Revenge? Self-discovery? Romance?
• Your mind needs to be clear about the theme
• Characters, plots need to point to and support the theme
• Different in one-act play from a full-length play. In a one-act play, there is only time for one significant
• Determine the place for hero, where all can be won or lost
• Events leading to this can be included without being shown to audience
• The events that follow must be inferred or understood by the audience
• There is not much area to develop all the characters – limit-four
• The hero or the protagonist’s character needs to be more developed and focused on
• The antagonist can be developed to show conflict
• Some other characters can also be a little bit developed to move the story forward.
• Economy is the key aspect here
• Each line must be crafted carefully to focus on the theme, the incident and the character of the
• The dialogues need not be terse, but concise and full of meaning
• Dialogues irrelevant to the plot, must be altered or omitted immediately.
Protagonist/Hero: pro·tag·o·nist | noun - the leading character or one of the major characters in a
drama, movie, novel other fictional text
Antagonist: an·tag·on·ist | noun - a person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something;
an adversary
Plot: plot | noun - the main events of a play, novel, movie similar work, devised and presented by the
writer as an interrelated sequence
Dialogue: di·a·logue | noun - conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play or
Creative: cre·a·tive | adjective - relating to or involving the imagination or original ideas, especially in the
production of an artistic work