Write a short poem on a doctor/nurse or a COVID-19 Frontline health worker in 6-8 lines.
In a battle for the lives of patients
Some hang on
Others lose
Families at home
Anxious for news
The phone rings
The doctor delivers the news in a monotone
A family breaks down
Back in the war zone
More work to do
Back in the war zone
A shift ends
Gear peeled off
Time to scrub down and head home
Exhausted warriors emerge from the trenches
A silent prayer on their lips
That the unseen enemy is scrubbed off
And not following them home
In the empty streets
The sound of silence is pierced
By the sound of sirens
Another ambulance arrives.
poem on nurse
N is for notable and willing to share
U is for understanding, she really cares
R is for reliable right from the start
S is for sincere with a loving heart
E is for energetic, so much to behold
Nurse a special one is she more precious than gold