English, asked by wwwishananorri1571, 1 year ago

Write a short report for the school newspaper on the sports day you had at your how to write a reportprimary school. (Maximum 100 words)


Answered by tusharpriya200ov3cij

Today a school without games and sports is unthinkable, as sports and games have become an integral element of present-day education. Formerly teaching consisted of merely imparting the basic skills of 3R’s (Reading, Writing and Arithmetic).

But true learning is much more than that. Today education is an all-round development of the child. In this respect games and sports play a significant role. It is in this backdrop that most schools organise their Annual Sports Day.

Last year, my school’s Annual Sports Day was held on 20th Oct. Generally a month of preparation precedes the day. A month prior to the event, all the children of the school were divided into four houses and respective sports groups such as senior, junior and sub-junior. Once the children are allotted their houses and groups, the various Outdoor Games begin. It is the most interesting and the most spirited part of the whole event.

Immediate preparation for the day commenced two days prior to the event. Different works such as, the preparation of the welcome gate, pandel, flag post, tracks, Olympic torch, decoration of the area, arrangement of the prizes, etc., were allotted to the different houses for completion. On 19th Oct, the final touches were given to the preparation and last rehearsals were held for the inaugural function and the cultural show.  

The Sports Day commenced at 7.50a.m. the following day with the welcoming of the chief guest. Our chief guest for the occasion was the newly appointed District Deputy Commissioner. He was solemnly welcomed at the gate by a group of Wangala dancers (Garo dancers) and by the school authorities. He was garlanded at the gate and given a bouquet of flowers as a token of official welcome. Thereafter, he was led to the specially erected pandal by the Wangala dancers.

As soon as he reached the Pandal, he hoisted the School’s Sports flag amidst the singing of the school anthem by the children, which was followed by an impressive march past, lighting of the Olympic flame and the oath-taking ceremony.

The chief guest then addressed the students wherein he outlined briefly the value of sports and games in student’s life and possibilities of career options in this field. The inaugural function came to a close with the display of a short drill. Sports events commenced soon after this.

The races, throws, jumps and the various items followed one by one. At 3.00 p.m the sports events in the field came to a close with the last item of musical chair for the staff. The concluding programme commenced immediately after this.

The chief event of the concluding function was the group dances performed by the different houses and the prize distribution by the chief guest. The last item of the eventful day was the de-hoisting of the sports flag by the chief guest, signalling the official closing of the school’s Annual Sports Day for the year.

Annual Sports Day is an eagerly awaited event in my school. It is a time of great fun and joy in the school as the days prior to the event as well as the day itself are marked by tournaments, matches and various competitions.

Apart from teaching us good values such as, sportsmanship, proper spirit of competition, team-spirit, co-operation, discipline in the field, etc. Annual Sports Day makes school life lively, interesting, enjoyable and memorable.

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