English, asked by vishagh, 1 year ago

write a short story a littleboy named salim found a crying puppy on the road on his way back from school and so brought it home.


Answered by Anonymous

A littleboy named salim found a crying puppy on the road on his way back from school and so brought it home. He washed the dog.Fed it food.Kept it's nickname as Jenny.He played with the dog all day long.He loves the dog so much that he used to sleep with the dog.And soon the dog too became very close to salim.Salim may forgot that he forgot to have food but this wasn't possible in case of his jenny.
One day,when salim's parents were out for 2 days! in order to settle out a few more at their in-laws house! Salim was left all alone in the house along with his dog. On the same day when his parents left a thief entered his house.He was scared,he was worried,he can't decide what to do? He can't even shout because that thief had gun with him.Provided his shirt already have blood spots as if he came to his house just after murdering a human maybe because he was caught and to save himself to be caged by the police he killed that human!! well there's a lot of chaos going through his mind!! As soon as that angry,frowning ,thin thief came near to him with the gun in his hand and as soon as he was about to shoot the dog came and jumped over the thief and in the mean of time the boy called police and his neighbours! Hurray,the police arrived there soon and catch the thief and caged him in the jail.Everyone was fine but sadly that dog saved the life of Salim by taking shot on itself! :(

Moral : Dogs always provides safeguards to their masters.Be friendly with the dogs.They will serve you the way that is unforgettable.

Thank you
#Brainly benefactor

vishagh: Thanks for the answer :)
Anonymous: :D
Answered by abbasali56
As salim was back to home from school he found a little puppy crying who was beaten by a group of little boys. He got him home and first aided him ,her mother told him why u got this cute little puppy to home ,SALIM told his mother the incident and his mother told u r best boy in the world.

This is the law of huminity which shows to be good with everyone.

Hope it helps u and mark me brainliest if u wish to.

vishagh: Thanks for the answer :)
abbasali56: Np mark me brainliest plz
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