Write a short story about 'I Have Always Been Rational' [Class 7]
When Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky published their paper on Prospect Theory in 1979, few people could have imagined the long-term implications.
The findings were still elementary at the time, and they hadn’t yet developed a full framework around it, but the seeds of change were there.
They had discovered that contrary to the model of decision-making espoused by modern economic theory, in real life, humans didn’t make rational decisions based on outcome, but rather, they thought in terms of gains and losses using mental heuristics that often led them to sub-optimal choices.
In short, we are irrational agents by nature, and it tends to get in our way.
Today, a whole new field of research—which we call behavioral economics—has been established to better understand this phenomenon.
We now know that our brain has certain cognitive biases that stop us from seeing the world as it really is and interacting with it in a way that will maximally benefit us. Many of these biases are a product of our emotional judgments; we are too quick to trust our intuition.
There is no doubt that this is a revolution in our understanding of decision theory. Once you’re exposed to the different ways that the brain tricks you, it’s not difficult to see the loopholes in your own thinking patterns.
Our emotions like jumping to conclusions, they often lack context, and their goals conflict with the broader ideals that our logical thoughts have laid out for us. We are always at war with them, and it’s not a war we always win.
It’s no surprise, then, that we have started to lean towards pure, rational decision-making, a method of inquiry that thinks more and judges less.
here is your answer
The conclusion is that emotions are outdated, and it’s time we leave them behind. And as we have seen, the logic is seductive. But is it right?
In mathematics, being rational means a number which can be expressed as quotent or fraction of two numbers p and q.
When we are kids, we tend to see everything from our heart.
We make things complicated.
We forget what's best for us rather than what looks cool.
But I've always been a rational person.
I remember we had a dog in our school.
He was deseased.
Everybody in my class started shouting, crying to get the attention of the teachers.
When I came to know about the situation, I directly went to our vice principal.
He understood the whole thing and contacted a veterinarian.
The solution was as easy as that.
Sometimes being rational brings hardles.
But in my opinion it is better than living in a fairy life wishing things would have happened.