English, asked by yashasvinautiyal2006, 2 months ago

Write a short story in 120-150 words, with the help of the cues given below. Give a
suitable title to the story.
Satish was standing on the balcony watching the last rays of the Sun. Loud and
angry voices in the street below distracted his attention. He ran down the stairs to
see what had happened…………


Answered by devindersaroha43



Mohini, a shy and introvert girl, has recently joined a new school and it was her first day at that school. She entered the school with great nervousness and feeling so scared as she has never been to such a big school. The teacher took her to the class and gave her a seat. She was quite distressed as she didn't know anyone and had no friends. After the teacher left the class, the whole class was looking at her in a mocking manner and began talking and laughing at her looks and nervousness as she originally belonged to a local town. She couldn't say anything and was feeling stood in a corner with no support and friends. Suddenly she could see four senior students coming towards her and she got more scared and began to shiver. But her thoughts immediately turned around as they politely asked her about the problem, calmed her down. They also helped her make new friends and get friendly with the school in very few days.

Answered by dollysinghv56

It was a cold, foggy morning, and Julie was in no mood to take her dog, Snoopy, out for a walk in the bitter cold. Snoopy himself seemed reluctant to leave his bed near the fireplace. Julie got up and sat with Snoopy near the window of their house, soaking in the warm sunlight. Suddenly, she heard some commotion outside her front door, and hurriedly went to see what it was. As she opened the door, a young, scruffy looking man started running, with the milk bottles he had stolen from her front porch. Snoopy took after the man, ignoring the bitter cold, while Julie ran after them, still in her night robe and slippers. Snoopy tripped two newspaper boys and overturned a garbage can as he pursued the fleeing thief. As Julie turned a corner, she saw the thief slip on the hard ice, milk bottles flying, as Snoopy leaped and caught one of them in his mouth. The thief got away, but Snoopy came back happily, his tail wagging, to return the bottle to an exhausted Julie, expecting his breakfast.

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