English, asked by thelegocreator03, 7 months ago

Write a short story, in not more than 500 words, showing unity among different cultures, countries, religions, etc.


Answered by Dipti620


once upon a time their was a child living in a village where people always fight on the basis of caste , culture , countries and religion. one day they all start fighting , throwing stones on each other , burning houses of each other etc. so that child run from that place and sifted in a train. Where he was gone it was also a village but he was fainted because of hunger and heat of sun . When he wake up he saw many people standing beside him . He was shocked seeing that all the people standing beside him were of different cast and cultures . After that a man asked him that from where you came ? So he said that I am from a nearby village and I ran from there. another person standing there asked him that why you ran from your village ? so he answers that in my village everyone fights on the basis of cast , religion , countries and culture but I am shocked that here is nothing like that how ?? The answer he get from them was very inspiring . They told him that before two three years here everything was like that as in your village. one day a tsunami came in our village and every body help each other with unity to fight with it . on that day we come to know that there is nothing like hindu , muslim or sikh . we all are brothers and we should live with unity. The boy was inspired and went back to his village and told this story to everyone and everybody in his village were also inspired . After that everyone started living there with unity and happiness.

The moral of the story is

There is nothing like cast , religion . its all about humanity and unity because we all are equal .

please mark as brainlist

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