English, asked by Vanessa18, 1 year ago

Write a short story on any topic


Answered by Ritsz
                                               The Beach Incident 

It was a pleasant day, the sun was shining overhead.A boy named Sam decided to go to the beach handful of friends namely Sam,Peter and Alex.They were playing beach volleyball and suddenly the ball went near the shore.In the heat of moment Sam ran to get the ball though his friends advised him not to do so.

He went towards the shore and he wasn't able to find the ball.

Suddenly a huge wave came and took Sam with it.His friends were horrified to see that and they tried to contact their parents and police immediately.After two and a half hours Sam found himself on an island he was very petrified and almost scared to death.He started to panic and take lord's name.

After a couple of minutes he became calm and recalled that previous month he saw a film "Life Of Pie".In that movie a boy name Pi Patel gets struck in the middle of an ocean on a life boat that too with a tiger.He quickly rushed and found a tree with many branches,he made a club or stick using the branch and started to catch fish.After failing many attempts he finally succeeded and caught 2 fishes.He cooked them and ate them

Anonymous: nyc story ritz
Answered by aditijaink283


Gold's touch

Midas, a former king, once performed a kind gesture for a Satyr. Dionysus, the god of wine, then granted him his wish.

Midas wished that he could make everything he touched into gold. Midas claimed that this was a magnificent request, and despite Dionysus' attempts to stop it, it was granted.

Midas was overjoyed with his newly acquired abilities and began touching everything, turning it into pure gold.

Midas soon felt hungry nevertheless. He discovered he couldn't consume the meal as he picked it up. In his hands, it had changed to gold. Hungry, I'll starving, Midas moaned. Maybe this desire wasn't that wonderful after all!

When Midas' adored daughter noticed his distress, she flung her arms around him to console him and she too turned to gold. Midas shouted, "The golden touch is no blessing.


Let's discuss how to compose a fantastic short story as one last topic before we move on to the 100 story ideas.

Read some stories first. You will find it difficult to write a story if you have never read one.

Your story should be written in one sitting. Write your narrative's initial draught as quickly as you can, and if it's a short story, aim to finish it in one sitting. This works, I promise. When someone is sharing a fascinating story, nobody likes to be interrupted. Take advantage of that and keep writing until you have completed telling your story.

Check out your draught. One time through your story without making any changes. You'll be able to tell from this what more work it requires in the future.


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