Write a short story on the theme of “Adventure at Night” with a suitable title within 200-250 words.
Charlie was a 7 year old boy with a big imagination. He liked to play pretend. This story is about the biggest adventure of his life.
It was a sunny weekend afternoon. Charlie was playing with his favorite stuffed animal (and best friend), Ziggy the monkey. Suddenly, his walkie talkie with the Secret Stuffed Spies Agency started yelling, “ Charlie! Charlie, we need you! Come to headquarters quick!” And so, Charlie was off.
Charlie ran outside to his treehouse. He pulled the lever on the pulley, and up he went. He grabbed his backpack, hopped into his imaginary airplane, and flew to the agency.
When he got there, Charlie saw some of his stuffed animals friends tied up, and an evil guy with a curly mustache holding them hostage!
Charlie pulled Ziggy out of his backpack and told him the plan, which was for Ziggy to jump around and distract the villain while Charlie ran and untied all of the other stuffed animals. Ziggy distracted the villain, and the plan worked! Charlie, Ziggy, and all of the other stuffed animals cornered the villain and took him to jail.
When they got back from putting the villain in jail, Charlie and Ziggy were awarded medals for bravery from the agency.
After a long day, Charlie went home, ate dinner, and went to sleep.
It was raining hard that night. In my hurry to get into the house, I didn't notice the black car parked across the road. I realized something was wrong when I could see someone hovering around the car. I wasn't sure if it was safe to go to the car to investigate but my instincts dragged me from the gate of my building to across the road and next to the car. What happened in that half an hour is what I call my most unforgettable memory.
I could see a man pacing up and down, drenched and injured. At first when I saw him, he looked inebriated as he was losing his balance now and then. But as I went near him, I was sure it was the injury and not any substance that was causing him to tip.
Excuse me Sir! Can I help you? I asked him. He seemed to be in a state of shock. I tried calling out to him but he continued going round and round his car. I was not comfortable reaching out to him physically and I thought he might attack me in his condition. But there was no one I could call as my phone had switched off after getting wet in the rain. Also, if I went home, which was just across the street, my over-protective mother would panic and wouldn't let me help him. So there I was, feeling helpless and angry, because I decided to help someone without knowing what to do.
I remember standing in the rain for quite some time, staring at the man hovering around his car, feeling absolutely worthless. Then in a flash of a moment, I found myself walking towards him and reaching out to his shoulder. I must have been really stpid to do that!