Write a short story on the topic it was a bright sunny day I was on my way to
A Bright Sunny Day
It was a bright sunny day and I always look forward to bright sunny days. You see I am a C- 4 quadriplegic and like most quadriplegics we love to feel the sun on our faces. You see our faces are not affected by the spinal cord injury and the sun feels wonderful. So on this bright sunny day coming out of K-Mart, I decided to sit and sun gaze as I do so often. There on the sidewalk, right outside of K-Mart I paused for a moment or two looking up at the sun. I quickly noticed out of the corner of my eye a lady, probably in her 40’s with a little boy, probably 6 or 7 years old. They were about 50 yards away from me. I wouldn’t have given it another thought but I noticed the youngster pointing at me and saying something to which I assumed was his mother. As I continued to wonder what was being said I noticed the lady giving him something and then telling him something while they both looked at me. All of a sudden the young kid started to walk toward me skipping and smiling. As he got closer I suddenly realized what was happening, so I prepared myself to receive it well. He walked up to me and handed me a dollar bill. I quickly said thank you to him but told him to tell his mom that was not needed and gave it back to him and he ran off as quickly as he came. I then quickly decided to do my sun gazing in another location.
Hope it is helpful...