English, asked by trishna437, 2 months ago

Write a short story Rabbit and the Gangaroo​


Answered by surenderasharmaabad2


The kangaroo is a marsupial from the family Macropodidae (macropods, meaning "large foot"). In common use the term is used to describe the largest species from this family, the red kangaroo, as well as the antilopine kangaroo, eastern grey kangaroo, and western grey kangaroo.[1] Kangaroos are indigenous to Australia and New Guinea. The Australian government estimates that 34.3 million kangaroos lived within the commercial harvest areas of Australia in 2011, up from 25.1 million one year earlier.[2]

Answered by Anonymous


Write a short story on, "The Rabbit and the Kangaroo."


It was an early morning, a little rabbit was moving round the forest. Suddenly, some swift as air crossed him. He was confused and said, "I guess something's near me." Well, he stopped thinking about him and was returning to his home. While he was returning, he heard so strange sounds. He was scared! He started feeling scared and said, "What's happening? I'm feeling like as if someone's following me or is near me. " Well thinking as it was his eyes fault, he resumed his way to home. Again, something was annoying him. He felt angry and said, "Whoever's there kindly come out! Stop playing hide and seek with me." After a while, he heard some strange sounds, like as if someone was laughing! "Hahaha! Such a s-t-u-p-i-d rabbit!" There came a kangaroo hopping from the bushes. Seeing this, the rabbit was really ashamed and said,"What a fool I was! It was not a ghost but a kangaroo!" The kangaroo couldn't stop laughing. The rabbit got annoyed and said, "Hey, can you please stop now!" Hearing this, kangaroo said, "Ok ok. But sorry no.....!" The rabbit then said, "You know what you really scared me. Now say sorry." Kangaroo replied, "Sorry, and I? Never!" The rabbit then thought of teaching him a lesson he said, "Why don't you play a hopping race with me? In case if I win, you have to say sorry to me."

Kangaroo said laughingly, "Ok, ok! Think that I've won!" The rabbit didn't say anything.

The next day, all the animals of the jungle had arrived to the race. The kangaroo sat there proudly with over-confidence and attitude as if he had won. The rabbit was sitting in a corner full of confidence. And.... "Ready, steady, on your mark.... get set go!" The both started their way! The kangaroo was running fastly and suddenly his feet slipped on the edge of the mountain and just was hanging there. He screamed, "Help! Someone please help!"

Hearing this the rabbit bent down and saw the kangaroo. The kangaroo was sure that the rabbit wouldn't help him as he really had ashamed him yesterday, as said the rabbit went away. The kangaroo sat there disappointed and sad. Soon, the rabbit brought a long rope and just passed the rope down. He said, "Brother kangaroo hold this rope, you'llbe able to come up." Seeing this, the kangaroo couldn't believe but still did as directed. He then came up and then he said, "Dear, I'm really sorry for what I did to you yesterday." Rabbit said smilingly, "I knew that your attitude will be your weakness." He then added more, "I guess that now you have understood your lesson. " Kangaroo said ashamingly, "Yeah, I'm really sorry for what I did to you..." Rabbit then was happy and he with the kangaroo went by holding hands, with a smile and the kangaroo with a lesson.

Note: I've created the whole story all by myself, so you can also create some with your own imagination!

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