English, asked by manjitlakra6, 10 months ago

Write a short story titled 'A Snake in an Aeroplane'. Following hints may be useful to you.
Dolphin Airlines - flight no. C302 - Chennai to Hyderabad - 273 passengers on board after
10 minutes of flying - a woman's cries 'snake, snake
even crew members
people jumping on seats black snake with yellow dots in the aisle
horrible scene
captured by a young daring boy kept in a bag
people still shocked.​


Answered by khushi1621


It was when I was travelling to Hyderabad via flight. It was not my first time on flight niether was I scared about heights but that particular day on Dolphin airlines was really a horrible one for me. It was as bad as a nightmare on my own birthday.

I was travelling from Chennai to Hyderabad via Dolphin airlines flight no. C302. If I am right then there were about 273 passengers on board. I am always on time when it comes to reaching for flight but I really don't know what happened that day. It was the very first time for me getting late for flight. I really felt some bad vibes like something wrong was going to happen but ignoring those thoughts I had my seat.

Then after about 10 minutes of flying I heard a cry, and it wasn't a pleasant one. A woman was crying, 'snake, snake' . For a minute I could not figure out what was going on but anything it was, it was too scary.

Yes! There was a snake on board with all the passengers.

It was rather extra scary for me because I thought that the snake was a bit interested in talking to me that he just came crawling and sat on my lap. "Why me only", I could not figure it out till this date but anyway I was too scared at that time to think about anything else.

My hands were just freezed. I could not move. People started jumping on the seats. The plane crew itself was scared and confused.

It was not really common to see a black snake with yellow dots on a plane but I think that boy had other imaginations about that. He must have been about 6 years old, but he just came, took that snake and put it into the cage provided to him by plane crew. I was rathe shocked and stunned. But God knows where that boy came from and saved my life.



Answered by dikshayadav9505


there you go with a nice story

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