English, asked by palakmundra001, 4 months ago

write a short story to illustrate the truth of the statement optimism is the key to success​


Answered by rahulkumarbiswakarma


G.D Public School was the most renowned school in the whole state. It was famed for its teaching techniques. The students of this school always gave a hard competition to other schools. This school also gave teaching to the kids of lower section of society but the teachers never treated them the way they treated other students.This made those children very rough and hopeless of doing anything in their lives.They took study as a way to waste time and gossip with their friends.They took study as granted.

One day , a new teacher arrived at that school for a job.The school needed a teacher who could handle the class of those ‘failures’.Yes that’s what they called to the misbehaving students ‘failures’.Those students humiliated every teacher who ever came in their class to teach them and they put them to flight.Maybe that was because they were themselves humiliated of their teachers’ attitude towards them , of their lives.All they wanted was someone who could give them some hope to do in life.

The name of that new teacher was Miss Roop. Indeed,the students did the same they do to every teacher,they started discomfiting her.But she was the very first teacher to return to them to teach them.All the other teachers were astonished to see that,so were those students. Another day she asked all the students what do they want to become in their lives and was totally staggered to hear their answers .The girls replied that they want to get married and do the same work their mothers does ,sweeping and mopping in others’ houses. The boys’ answer was not so different,they also wanted to do the little chores like their fathers.The children started feeling comfortable ,sharing their problems with her.She started showing concern about them.Maybe , this time the children had found the fairy God Mother of their lives.She found out that those children were more talented than they they knew and all they needed was hope.She started aspiring them to have trust in themselves and their luck.She started giving them lessons of optimism.Now they started studying well,believing in themselves,in their hard work ,that if they study well in their present ,the future is surely gonna be bright and mot importantly ,happy.With this feeling of optimism they could now have a reason to study which would lead them to their success.And that year that class of ‘failures’ stood on place one in the entire tenth grade.Well ,that was a massive achievement they got due to the feeling of optimism in them.It is so rightly said that if you think you can do this,you can….

Answered by tanujrai06


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