once upon a time there lived and boy name Mahesh his mother house once the boy Ramesh was 5 years old as time passes the boy become young girl and one day he get a nice job define vilu well Businessman and got to work and earn money as per is mother one day he got argued with your mother and said that Mum I am leaving my home and I will pay all loans and money and that that you have taken me to grow up the mum said the I have grown you and you doing what it is mother say that one day you sleep with me the boy says this I cleared then you can pay you are there by this all depths of growing me up when the moment the sun go to the way to sleep at the boy sleep and in down and the mum sleep up in the bed one hour ago the Mumm craft and said the son please get some water for me the sun come and give the water to drink half of the water and throw it into the sun's bed the sun adjust it . weather next time after 2 hours ago the mum again come in said please boy please give me water in the water in the water and store it into the boys bed the boy and become angry in very annoyed but he adjusted when next 3 next 3 hours ago the my mum again come in set the boy to bring water the boys become angry on mother and set I will not bring on any Court what the hell it is this again going and going I am bringing the water and you are just bring it on my bed the mum said this is the reason why you can't pay my depthb because you are when small I use to wake up and wash ur urine and sleep in the wet urine bed and put u in the dry area I have to sacrifice my sleep for u.That the sun realized and become sorry