Write a short story with the help of the following hints. Add a title and a moral to it: [Hints : A small rat enter the nose of a lion. - lion gets angry -wants to kill the rat -rat begs of mercy -lion pardons him -rat promises to help the lion -lion falls into trap - rat frees him by cutting the net. ]
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A small rat enters the nose of a lion , As soon as the lion saw the rat he got very angry, he wanted to kill the rat . The rat begged him of mercy, as the lion was virtuous he pardoned the rat . Now the being grateful promises the lion to help him. One day unfortunately the lion falls into a trap,he calls for help,"Please help me",the rat heard the lion and freed him by cutting the net. The lion was very grateful to him he said,"Thank you my little friend" and from then onwards the lion and the rat were best friends.
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