English, asked by 2514, 6 months ago

write a short summary of the lesson The happy Prince
(100-150 words)​


Answered by upenderjoshi28


The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde is a heart touching story with a beautiful theme and plot. The statue of Happy Prince stood high above the city; one day a swallow flying to Egypt perched on the empty space between the statue’s feet. As he was resting, a drop of water fell on him. On looking up, he found tears streaming down the Happy Prince’s statue’s cheeks.  

The swallow asked the Happy Prince why he was crying; the statue replied he was sorry to see so many people in his city living in affliction. He requested the swallow to help these people by taking his gold covering, sapphires and ruby to these people.  

The Happy Prince gave his everything to help the poor and the needy. The swallow assisted in this grand task.  

The kind happy prince and the generous swallow helped the poor in many ways. Since the Prince was fixed to pedestal, he requested the swallow to take his treasures one by one to the poor he saw in need and trouble. Both of them helped the poor as written below:

1. On Happy Prince’s request the swallow carried red ruby from his sword hilt to the poor seamstress who could not afford oranges for her sick son.

2. On Happy Prince’s behest, the swallow plucked an expensive sapphire from one of his eyes and carried it to the struggling playwright to help him financially.

3. On Happy Prince’s insistence the swallow plucked his second sapphire eye and took it to the matchgirl to help her get some money.  

4. Lastly, on Happy Prince’s request, the swallow took off his gold layer in pieces and give them to the poor and needy people in the city.

They both died helping the poor and bringing happiness to them.

Finally God sent his angels to take the dead swallow and the broken Happy Prince’s heart to his heaven.  

Answered by Anonymous




It was the statue of the Happy Prince. It was covered with gold. It had sapphires in its eyes and ruby on its sword-hilt.

It was the statue of the Happy Prince. It was covered with gold. It had sapphires in its eyes and ruby on its sword-hilt. The Happy Prince was always happy when he was alive. He lived in the palace of happiness. He did not know what tears were. So his courtiers called him the Happy Prince.

Then the Prince saw a young man who lived in a garret. The young man was writing a play. But it was so cold that he couldn’t write any more. He had no firewood to keep himself warm. The Happy Prince asked the swallow to pick out the sapphire from his one eye and give it to the young man.

The swallow began to weep. It did not want to make the Happy Prince blind of one eye. But the Prince commanded the swallow to do so. He gave away his sapphire so that the man could buy firewood and finish his play.

The next day, the Prince saw a match girl who had let her matches fall into a gutter. She was crying because her father would beat her if she did not take home some money. The Happy Prince asked the swallow to take the sapphire from his other eye and give it to the poor little girl. The swallow was n

The Prince became blind now. So the swallow decided to stay with the Prince always. The Prince asked the swallow to fly over his city and tell him what he saw there.

The Prince said to the swallow, “I am covered with fine gold. Take it off, leaf by leaf, and give it to the poor.” The swallow picked leaf after leaf and took them to the poor people of the city.

The next morning, the city Mayor passed that way and saw the statue that was looking very ugly. He ordered it to be pulled down.

God sent one of His Angels to the city. He asked the Angel to bring Him two most precious things from the city. The Angel took the leaden heart and the dead swallow to God.

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