Write a small article of about 200 words, to be published in your college magazine about
Equality in the workplace.
Equality in the Workplace
by - xyz
Equality is the right of a person to be treated as same as everyone, There should be no discrimination based on religion, gender, colour, e.t.c. We have observed that the male gender is considered to be dominant in society. Due to which their wages are generally higher than that of females in various jobs because wages were given based on the quality & quantity of work and females are not that strong as males physically.
It was so because, before the 20th century. Almost all work was done physically e.x., automobiles, construction, factory, e.t.c., which required physical strength, and because males have generally more strength as compared to females, Hence they were paid wages greater than that of females. Nowadays, Works generally require Intelligence as technology has evolved much that almost everything is done using machines which requires Intelligence not strength.
We can see that, the machines used in construction, factory, automobiles require only knowledge like "how to handle them" and because there is no involvement of greater physical strength hence females can also do this work. Some similar professions are Driver, Pilot, Web developer, Data Scientist, A.I Architect, e.t.c.
Hence, Males and females should be treated equally in that case where physical strength is not essential but Intelligence (Mental strength).
Required Article :-
By - Cracer
'Equality' have you heard this word before? Of course, We must have heard this word. Equality is the right of people to be treated equally. Equality is sign of a good person. Some people discriminiating on the basis of Color, Religion etc. Ex - In South Africa blacks are inferior to whites, In Many countries only one religion are allowed. Due to it many people are doing suicide. A slogan is very famous in India ''All people are equal before law.'' We cannot determine the people on the basis of color. If the people will understand it then it will good for future.
Many caste are inferior for doing jobs. SCs and STs are one of them. We should be equal to all.