English, asked by kanavsunil09, 6 hours ago

Write a small paragraph on any Good deed you have done during pandemic time
80-100 words


Answered by satyamkasoudhan672


Call a family member to tell them you love them.

Fill an expiring parking meter.

Leave some extra money in a vending machine.

Plant a tree.

Write a thank you letter to your parents.

Compliment a stranger.

Ask someone “How are you?” and listen.

Bake some goods for your neighbor(s).

Hug a loved one for no particular reason.

Make breakfast for your partner or housemate.

Call someone you haven’t talked to in a while.

Offer someone your seat on public transport.

Visit a senior center or nursing home.

Pick up rubbish and dispose properly.

Stop and have a conversation with a homeless person.

Buy an inspiring book for a friend.

Leave your favorite book in a public place with a note.

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