English, asked by nabziee1274, 1 year ago

Write a speech in about 120 to 150 words on the apprehensions about the end of the world based on your understanding of the poem fire and ice reflect on the reality of the world in today's context in your speech script


Answered by phillipinestest

Speech Writing

Good morning Ladies and Gentleman all behind masks and seated before your computers,

What a strange Earth this is! For some, it is the fire of fever, their bodies are burning with fever, the mercury is fast rising, while for others it is the icy cold hands of Death that have stilled them forever.

Fire and Ice play their rounds in today's Earth of mass extinction. Every country, every place, every religion, every caste, the rich and the poor are all burning in the fire of ice.

The Corona Virus loves the number nine much like Frost and Dante. It takes nine days to attack the human system. It is named COVID -19  with a nine at its tail. Like a journey through the nine layers of Hell, the virus takes us on a spiral journey from fire to ice.

The end of the Earth is near. Earth has always dealt on duality. For white their is black, the rich have always dominated the poor, summer has followed winter, and now Fire and Ice are the pair of destruction.

Like Night and Day, they are the two phases of the same coin of End. We can only follow the guidelines of safety as suggested by WHO in hope of overcoming  the Apocalypse.

So everyone stay safe, stay responsible and stay well. Maintain social distancing, self isolation and proper sanitisation and pray we may be delivered  from this pandemic.

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