English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago



Answered by AverageHumanKid


The aim of education is to effect an all-round development of an individual. At present we are not able to achieve this goal because education is not related to life. This is a problem for all the countries of the world.

At present, education is neither fulfilling the needs of the individual, nor is it able to meet the requirements of society. There is a gulf between society and education. The individual, to-day, is not self-dependent. He is not able to derive full benefit of education that he is getting.

The main reason for this situation is lack of relationship between education and society. To-day throughout the world education is being made a means for vocationalization. But the vocational twist should not be only job-oriented.

It is necessary to make education production oriented. The individual should be able to utilize the fruits of his education if it is moulded towards production. This will ease the problem of unemployment and the individual will be able to contribute his share in national production.

This will be possible only when education is related with life. In fact, the utility of education consists in one’s ability in solving his life problems himself, of course, with the help others at times.

Many countries have planned their education to-day keeping the above things in view. Some countries have changed the shape and organization of their higher

Through the consent of its people, Albama has changed the aim, curriculum and administration of education. Rumania has enacted laws for bringing changes in its educational system. Ghana, Spain, Brazil and Yugoslavia have made surveys in their lands with a view to effect changes in their educational systems according to the needs of their people.

France, India and some other countries have also tried to relate education with social and economic development. Japan, Thailand and Turkey have made central committees for reforms of their educational systems. Sweden and Spain have organised researches in education for finding out measures for reforms in education.

Answered by khushman1190


1141 words essay on the Aim of Education (Free to read)

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Free sample essay on the Aim of Education (Free to read). The main aim of education is the all-round development of a student. Its purpose is to develop a student into a full, whole and integrated person.

The main aim of education is the all-round development of a student. Its purpose is to develop a student into a full, whole and integrated person. Thus, the objectives to be achieved through education and training are many and comprehensive. Education helps in achieving and developing skills, abilities, insights and scientific temper. Besides literary and aesthetic appeal of education, there are utilitarian aspects as well and they are equally important. Education aims at developing and bringing out the best of a student’s inner personality, without neglecting the outer and material aspects. Education also means that students are made capable of standing on their own feet, to earn their bread and butter. An educated person is supposed to face the challenges of life bravely and successfully. No person can be called properly educated if he or she fails in making a meaningful contribution to the society and country.

The purpose of education is to strike a proper balance between inner and outer emotional and practical aspects of one’s personality and life. If it is not done, it will result in an imbalanced development of a personality. It should help in flowering of both the spiritual and physical potentialities. All- round development means the growth and development of mind, spirit and body. All these are integral and interdependent aspects of a one’s personality. It only means that there should be integrated development and none of these aspects should be neglected. Man is emotional as well as rational and both these aspects should be properly developed so as to form parts of an integrated and organic whole. The development of the one at the expense of the other will result in disaster. Man is neither a thinking machine nor a heap of emotions; he is not a bundle of flesh and bones. If one is guided simply by emotions, one’s vision is bound to be distorted. Similarly, if one goes by reason alone then one would be a mere thinking robot.

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