write a speech on cause of pollution and damage the environment by pollution 200 words speech
Pollution is the addition of any foreign or poisonous substances into the environment at very fast rate than the environment natural accommodation. The pollution of natural resources causes imbalance in the ecosystem. Pollution is one of the most important issues which is being faced by almost every country in the world.
The major causes of this issue are industrialization, deforestation, urbanization etc. The by-products of many activities which are the part of our daily routine also add up to this issue. Different types of pollutants which are disturbing our natural ecosystem are toxic gases (NO, SO2, CO2, CO, NO2), halogens (Iodine, Chlorine, Bromine), deposited matters (Dust, Smog, Grit), agrochemicals (Insecticides, Pesticides, Herbicides) etc.
Noise, photochemical oxidants (photochemical smog, Peroxyacetyl Nitrate, Ozone, Nitrogen Oxides), organic compounds from industries (Acetic Acid, Benzene, Ether), radioactive materials (Radium, Thorium), some solid wastes (ash, garbage) etc are also responsible for causing pollution.
Air, water and soil pollution are the most dangerous forms of pollution causing direct health disorders to the human beings. We have no safe drinking water, no pure air to inhale and no pollution free land to crop. The industrial development and green house effect have adversely affected our ecosystem leading to climate change. Human greed and misuse of freedom lead them towards serious degradation and mismanagement of natural resources.
This widely spreading pollution need to be taken under control for the healthy survival of life on the planet in future. If we want to give a better environment and a better world to our future generations then we have to seriously take strict actions to stop pollution and make earth a better place to live in.
I want to articulate the damage on the environment.Pollution is increasing very rapidly and many people are ailed by it.The most important point is Global warming, changes in the climate,acid rain and so onn.Animals suffers the most,like chromosomal abberation,invariation in their bredding patterns.Humans are the reason behind aggravating pollution.The harmful gases like So2,Co,No2 etc when mixed in the atmosphere cause huge indifference to the environmmet.Even the plants are subjected to the loss,like wilting before time,not able to reproduce fruits.I wanna apprise its high time to accede these facts on pollution and its damage to the enviroment.