English, asked by pratikpats, 1 year ago

write a speech on how to live before you die


Answered by PoojaBurra

First is regarding connecting dots.  

My biological mother who is a graduate student puts me up for an adoption and she wants me to grow up with parents those who were graduates.  

All was set for me to be adopted by lawyer and his wife but later they decided they wanted a girl at last minute and I ended up being adopted by other couple and my mother never graduated from college and my father never completed his high school.  

My mother(biological) refuses to sign those adoption papers till my mother promises that I will go to college.  

17 years later I dropped out of college unknowingly what I want to do with my life and trusted that it will all work out.  

Now I didn’t have to go to classes that were of no interest to me and dropped those which I didn't found interesting.  

It wasn’t so simple as I had no dorm room and less money.  

I found through following my curiosity and intuition turned out priceless afterwards.

Calligraphy class I dropped later inspired the beautiful fonts which I used when we designed first MacKintosh computer.  

A person can’t connect those dots only I can connect them by looking backwards.  

One have to trust that those dots will connect in your future and this will encourage you to follow your inside.

Answered by Sidyandex

What is living? This is an important question as it governs most of our actions. Everything that a person does depends on what a person perceives life as.  What do you perceive life to be? This is a personal question that everyone needs to ask themselves. Once a person is able to find the answer to that question, the person’s choices follow suit. But how does that relate to our topic? Wasn’t I going to tell you how to live before you die? Well that is a question that you must answer yourself, because o matter what I say, it is up to you to choose. So I will do just that. I will not tell you how to live, rather I will help you understand what your perception of life and your subsequent choices might be based on that said perception.  

Do you perceive life as mere breathing? Just surviving, do you believe that your choices have no effect and everything is futile? In that case you are most likely going to leave a life with no real purpose, just drifting and surviving till that day your body gives up?

Do you perceive life as a way to just enjoy yourself? With such an ideology, you will most probably try and accumulate wealth or just try and make the most of your time in doing things that you enjoy. You might also become a bit selfish and only think about your own benefit, even at the cost of others.  

The Third Major category is where you might want to dedicate your life to a purpose. This purpose may be selfish or may be for the good of others. Such an ideology will push your to work hard and try and achieve what is not ordinary. For this you may do things that are morally correct or maybe some things that are morally questionable. But one thing is certain that you will be remembered.

Now out of these ways of life which ones you believe is the best way to live before you die is a choice that you must make for yourself.

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