CBSE BOARD XII, asked by dubeysanjana000, 1 year ago




Answered by BIRURandhawa
We live in a world that, finally, recognizes all religions and beliefs and in which any person can choose his/her religion. people can worship any god, can praise the energy of nature that inspire them without feeling threatened or scared. it is the first time in history when people are not blamed for their beliefs. and we fought for this. but we now try to take this away from the people. we engage in holy wars or public mockery campaigns against the religions that we don`t understand. we shut our minds from knowing more about the people around us, their thoughts and beliefs. and we blame them for being different.Research is not done because we want to do good. it is done for profit.We should stop fighting about democracy in other countries and start asking if we really have a say in our own country. we should exercise the right to vote and strengthen the mechanisms of government as power corrupts even the most strong-minded. we should stop giving the right to decision to a small group just because they say they know best. we know best and, even if we don`t, the collective power would decide what is best. don`t let them be the new aristocracy.As you mention, this is based on opinion. i have visited a lot of countries on all continents and that is how i formed my opinion.33 moments that'll restore your faith in humanity.Loading more suggestions...Cia prepares to arm syrian rebels with lethal weapons if truce collapses.It was real helfull in letting me to know what.The israeli lobby – a danger to the world – banned documentary.We live in a world that has invented the telephone, internet, social media so that people can communicate easier. but we have never felt so alone and out-of-touch as we do today. hidden behind the screens of our computers, tablets, smartphones, we feel alienated from what the world has to offer. we have stopped looking at nature a long time ago and we have started destroying it without thinking about the consequences.
Answered by kalpitraval


speech on HUMANS and their HUMANITY in about 700 words or more

Humanity can be defined as quality of being human; the peculiar nature of man, by which he is distinguished from other beings. Being human does not mean that an individual possesses humanity. If you want to understand the quality of humanity in an individual take note of what he does for people who give noting back in return to the favour they have offered. One of the most outstanding examples of extra- ordinary humanity in a human being has been portrayed beautifully by Mother Teresa. Humanity means caring for and helping others whenever and wherever possible. Humanity means helping others at times when they need that help the most, humanity means forgetting your selfish interests at times when others need your help. Humanity means extending unconditional love to each and every living being on Earth. A perfect example of humanity can be demonstrated by the following story. A king with a kind heart once saw a pigeon and an Eagle fighting. He possessed the ability of communicating with the birds and animals. The pigeon asked the king to save him from the eagle. The king told the eagle that he is ready to pay any price in return for saving the pigeon. The eagle asks the king to give him the equal amount of flesh to the weight of the flesh of the pigeon. Agreeing to the Eagle’s condition, the king starts chopping off his own flesh equal to the flesh of the pigeon. After donating a little bit of his flesh, he still finds the pigeon heavier. Finally he surrenders the whole of himself to the Eagle to eat. That is the moment when both the Eagle and the pigeon turn into angels who appeared on the earth to test the extent of the king’s humanity. The king is now rewarded with the most precious rewards and heaven after life for his deed of humanity. This story can be understood as an exaggerated statement so that individuals understand the importance of humanity in their day to day lives. It is important to understand one important fact; an individual’s life is successful not by the number of degrees he or she attains but by the degree of humanitarian activities that individual is into on a day to day basis. Serving the poor and the disabled is one of the greatest humanitarian help an individual can provide in his or her lifetime. It is essential to understand the fact that we are extremely lucky to have everything we desire at any point of the time we need. Serving the needy means that you yourself think that you have more than enough resources to your disposal. People who always crib that they do not have sufficient facilities available despite having everything can never provide humanitarian services because if one has the mind set of not being self- sufficient, how can he or she help someone else. One is always remembered for his or her good deeds and it is essential to understand that there is no better deed than providing services for humanitarian causes. If eating and having fun is only what we are born to do then we should keep one thing in mind; even animals can do such activity; if God has made us humans there has to be some reason behind it. Only human beings can understand the importance of humanity and it is humanity as a result of intelligence which actually gives the core essence to human existence. You will not need a hefty bank account to contribute towards humanitarian activities. Paying your domestic help fairly is also humanity. You are willing to pay thousands of bucks for your medical check- up but when it comes to paying your employee; you want to save every penny. Humanitarian activities should never be performed in order to achieve fame or to gain a status symbol. You can easily achieve fame by the work you do. Lifting the heavy bag of an old woman is humanity, helping a disabled to cross the road is humanity, helping your mom in doing work is humanity; in fact helping anyone who is in need is humanity. As soon as we understand the importance of humanity in day to day life, the purpose for which we are on Earth is automatically fulfilled.


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