English, asked by swabhimanmohanty2019, 6 months ago

write a speech on impact of cinema​


Answered by helenfaustina12















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Speech On Impact Of Cinema In Life for Students and Children in English

August 14, 2020 by Prasanna

Speech On Impact Of Cinema In Life: Since the establishment of human beings on earth, people have been searching for various ways for recreation. Cinema is one of such discoveries.

Cinema is a very influential recreation that is meant for calming human minds. In earlier days, humans used to experience relaxation with limited restrictions. But as they evolved, cinema has changed our point of view towards life.

Cinema gives us a break from stressful days and depressing nights. Throughout recent times cinema has evolved much better. Cinema often tells us the truth, but our minds don’t try to accept those.

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Long And Short Speeches On Impact Of Cinema In Life for Kids And Students In English

We provide a long speech and a short Speech On Impact Of Cinema In Life of 500 and 150 words along with ten lines on the same topic, respectively, for the readers.

These speeches will help children and students who might be required to give a speech on the same topic or assignment.

A Short Speech On Impact Of Cinema On Life is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. A Long Speech On Impact Of Cinema On Life is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Long Speech On Impact Of Cinema In Life 500 Words In English

Good morning to everyone present here.

Cinema, or a motion picture, is the art of moving images. Cinema is a visual medium that tells us stories and often exposes reality. Cinema is the most recent form of art on earth. Cinema was created in the dusk of the 19th century. It is also the earth’s most complex, costly, and collaborative expression of art. Cinema affects tremendously on an individual’s daily life and the population too.

Cinema shows us the reality and contains all the elements happening in our society. Cinema creates both beneficial and detrimental impacts on society. But the person has to choose between right and wrong and to make correct decisions.

Cinema often tells us about the issues we ignore mostly. It shows us the unrefined reality of our society. Similarly, it helps us to socialize with people better and shows us various trends in our lives. Cinema acts as a conversation starter. It enhances the power of imagination and broadens our ways of thinking. Cinema introduces us to different cultures and adds various unknown facts to our lives

Answered by soni8261


Cinema has been a part of the entertainment industry for a long time. It creates a massive impact on people all over the world. In other words, it helps them give a break from monotony. It has evolved greatly in recent years too. Cinema is a great escape from real life.

Advantages of Cinema

Cinema has a lot of advantages if we look at the positive side. It is said to be a reflection of the society only. So, it helps us come face to face with the actuality of what’s happening in our society. It portrays things as they are and helps in opening our eyes to issues we may have well ignored in the past.

Similarly, it helps people socialize better. It connects people and helps break the ice. People often discuss cinema to start a conversation or more. Moreover, it is also very interesting to talk about rather than politics and sports which is often divided.

Above all, it also enhances the imagination powers of people. Cinema is a way of showing the world from the perspective of the director, thus it inspires other people too to broaden their thinking and imagination.

Most importantly, cinema brings to us different cultures of the world. It introduces us to various art forms and helps us in gaining knowledge about how different people lead their lives.

In a way, it brings us closer and makes us more accepting of different art forms and cultures. Cinema also teaches us a thing or two about practical life. Incidents are shown in movies of emergencies like robbery, fire, kidnapping and more help us learn things which we can apply in real life to save ourselves. Thus, it makes us more aware and teaches us to improvise.

Disadvantages of Cinema

While cinema may be beneficial in many ways, it is also very damaging in various areas. Firstly, it stereotypes a lot of things including gender roles, religious practices, communities and more. This creates a false notion and a negative impact against that certain group of people.

People also consider it to be a waste of time and money as most of the movies nowadays are not showing or teaching anything valuable. It is just trash content with objectification and lies. Moreover, it also makes people addicts because you must have seen movie buffs flocking to the theatre every weekend to just watch the latest movie for the sake of it.

Most importantly, cinema shows pretty violent and sexual content. It contributes to the vulgarity and eve-teasing present in our society today. Thus, it harms the young minds of the world very gravely.

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