English, asked by DEVINEQUEEN, 5 months ago

write a speech on social media does harm and good ?
Write a speech that can speak in 2 minutes and all the things should be spoken in a few lines.

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Answered by BrainlyBAKA

In many in.stances, teenagers use their free time by browsing the Internet through social media. Whether it’s checking a friend’s latest In.stagram post or viewing their recent Sna.pchat story, most would agree that social media is a big part of many people’s day-to-day lives. Therefore, social media has a large impact, yet the impact can be seen as negative in many aspects.

So.cial me.dia is a big outlet for cy.berbullying among teenagers. Cy.berbullies can use the mask of the Internet to taunt others with no real interaction. Social media is marketed as an escape, yet cyb.erbully victims can’t avoid harassment on it.

Soc.ial med.ia can lead to decreased self-es.teem. Many people choose to make their lives seem very gla.morous on so.cial me.dia and only put their best foot forward. While this may not be the reality, this leaves others to feel their lives aren’t good enough. They see a po.st and comp.are their own lives to it and conclude that it doesn’t measure up. This issue is particularly prevalent in teenage girls with negative body image. A model on I.nstagram may have the “perfect” body, leaving the viewer to doubt their own appearance.

Social media was originally intended as a way for others to communicate with each other in a new way. With increasing technology, people are always looking for interaction with others without having to physically make the journey to see them. However, when younger generations have unlimited access to social media, it becomes a negative outlet with constant posts and pictures.

To decrease social media’s impact, people should try to limit the amount of screen time on those apps.



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