English, asked by Akshayojha, 8 months ago

Write a speech on the need to celebrate 15th august and 26th janauary in school rather than enjoying these as holidays at home


Answered by lexibrookegorman


When we celebrate our independence, we reflect on the oppression, the horror, and the aggression against which we struggled. We celebrate this day in order to remember our ancestors who died while fighting for independence; it evokes memories of men and women who never returned home.


Answered by phillipinestest

Speech Writing

Good morning Ladies and Gentleman and all present ,

It is a great privilege and honour for me to be able to address such an august crowd. All of us are healthy, concerned and thinking citizens of India.

Our Motherland has showered us with good health and bounty. But , unfortunately Her blessings didn't come for free. It cost us the noble blood of more than ten million Indians . The freedom at Midnight came with a big cost.

15th August and 26th January are definitely red letter days for all Indians  but this red does not only signify the importance but marks the blood we shed for these two days.

Why then should we waste these two days in idle holidays? Shouldn't we rather celebrate them in school? Doesn't our Motherland and Her children who set Her free deserve to be glorified by us?

On this day we should sing in praise of the great events, we should work together and pledge to build a better India instead of lazily relaxing at home.

We should be active Karma Yogis .Our mission should be to arise,awake and stop not till our goal is reached!

Jai Hind.

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