English, asked by madhuribhosale575, 9 months ago

write a speech on the topic if animal could think and speaklike humans, what would they say.​


Answered by Meowzinette


This question speaks to the entire animal-human relationship. Humans have a tremendous responsibility as stewards of the natural world, and that means listening to those who can’t communicate in words for whatever reason. Several dimensions:

1. Small children have to learn to talk. Do we listen to them? Some caregivers do but mostly we mold toddlers to our needs, however imperfectly. Basically parents own their children like—well, like animals and their animals like children.

2. Domestic animals are specifically bred to put up with a lot from humans, so to them we surely are like dictators, providing their food, shelter and opportunities to breed. With large animals though, if you act like a dictator you’ll get yourself and your animals hurt. I’ve worked with horses, which are amazingly willing even to their own detriment and supposedly not the brightest bulbs in the animal kingdom. But when you’re asking them to do a job, horses have clear ideas on what’s a good idea and what isn’t, and smart humans will respect and learn from them. All animals have their ways of communicating without words, as any pet owner will tell you.

3. Wild animals will put up with only so much from us, which is why they’re wild, with varying consequences for our efforts to preserve them. Mostly they’ve learned to avoid humans. However, people who have lived and worked in the wilderness, as well as divers and ocean-going boaters, report plenty of instances of wild animals clearly sharing the moment. One instance where words would help, of course, is when a large animal gets in trouble and humans are trying to help it. Even then rescuers often report the animal seemed to understand and in some cases even sought human help. Animals are very good at sensing the vibes.

4. Search online for “animals sense of fairness” for abundant evidence how fairness is experienced by living creatures, no words needed. There is ample testimony, anecdotal as well as scientific, that living creatures share empathy even across species. Interestingly, one study found that human influence tends to erode the sense of fair play in dogs compared to wolves: Dogs have learnt to put up with unfairness from humans, study suggests.

5. Animals rely on body language whether in dealing with their own species or any others, including humans. We all know well enough how words are used to mislead or deceive at least as much as to communicate honestly.

Bottom line: When we listen and learn, animals (and humans) have no need of words. When we won’t listen and learn, it’s not clear how words would help.

Side note: Bashing humans in favor of animals has long been a favorite sport, and it’s certainly a temptation in view of the evidence. But humans are cursed or blessed with powers we can hardly manage, and animals often seem to understand this and want to help. That’s anthropomorphizing of course, but it seems to me we humans too often fail to recognize how much we have in common with the creatures who share the planet.


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