English, asked by lalitaistwal7521, 9 months ago

Write a speech on the topic save water to save Future​


Answered by saran1070


Water is essential for maintaining healthy Environments and for social and economic development. As population increases and development seeks for increased proportions of surface water and ground water for the agriculture industrial sectors and domestic sectors the pressure on water resources intensifies, which leads in excessive pressure on the environment , conflicts among users and tensions. Due to increase in demand and dissipated use and due to continuous increase in the population brought about stress in fresh water resources.

Do you believe a fact “By 2025, 1 800 million people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity, and two-thirds of the world population could be under stress conditions”.

About 20% of the world’s population live in countries where there is a scarcity of water and they are unable to access natural water source. At present 2.6 billion lack access to proper sanitation and 1.1 billion people lack access to safe water. In both developed and developing countries climate change is affecting water resources which may cause different types of diseases.

A country with increasing threat to its water supply is known as ‘water stressed’. By 2025 about 1800 million people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity, and two-thirds of the world population could be under stress conditions.

Some of the facts to be taken note here and why we have a responsibility to act?

1.70%of the world’s surface is covered by water out of which 97.5% of ihis is salt water. Of the remaining 2.5% that is fresh water 68.7% isfrozen in ice caps and glaciers while only 1% of the total resources on earth are available for human use.

2. On an average a Canadian uses 326 liters a day while a person in Saharan Africa uses about 10-20 liters a day.

3.Out of the discharges that are deign dumped in to the water 90% is from sewage and 70% is from industries polluting the usable water supply .

4. . in developed countries 30% of fresh water supplies are lost due to leakage and the loss may run to a high of 40% to 70% in some cities.

5. Canada controls about 20%of the earth’s fresh water.

Distribution of Earths Water

soursource : http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/waterdistribution.html

Coming in to the real time scenario I would take one of the major cities like Mumbai that would justify my statement here you can see how water plays an important role day today’s human life.

Mumbai’s Water Supply

If Mumbai British Administrators has not seriously about the agitation over drinking water problem in 1845 perhaps, would have been as stressed for water as Chennai’s people are now Like Chennai, Mumbai would also depended on wells and ponds/lakes for its water supply. Due to increase in population ingress of seawater and depletion of ground water sources has been caused in Chennai.

Mumbai’s major water bodies with in the catchment

Water resources in Vaitarna River basin and Ulhas River basins have been identified as there will be an increase in population in the coming years. take the. The plan for Middle Vaitarna is at an advanced stage and a dam will be constructed at a cost of Rs1, 250crore to avail 455mld water. Middle Vaitarna, Gargai and Pinjal are gravity sources, whereas the Ulhas river basin sources will need pumping water adding to the cost; 5,108hectares will be submerged, while people of 19 villages will be affected.

Before Independence, Tansa was the major source which runs along Bombay-Agra road. After independence, water supply to Malabar Hill Reservoir and Bhandarwada Reservoir increased as a tunnel was built between vaitarana and tansa, while the remaining areas are served from the major water bodies.

Answered by himanshu8769


we save the water so we save our future because the water is going very little and little and the things we need from water we are not getting so we have to save water because the water is needed of all the things and are also made from water

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